Saturday, April 3, 2010

Down with fever & flu..

Semlm after ofis g hantar Dato' sekeluarga ke LRT station..diorang balik KB dgn KTM..nak merasa naik keretapi katanya since never tried before.Pastu see doc..doc tny nak MC ke x coz I have a bit fever...but i don't think so I x amik..after that went for dinner.Semlm tido pun mmg x sedar apa coz mkn ubat selsema.

Pg ni rasa sihat skit then dtg ofis but now feel really cold even I do not switch on the aircond..huhu..mcm mana nak baking cake ni. Hopefully tonight I will be back to normal..Amir hari ni duduk di rumah dgn Ayah.

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